2/3 as a Decimal - Fraction to Decimal Calculator


2/3 as a decimal is 0.6666…

Follow along to see how to convert fractions like this to decimal form.

How to Convert 2/3 to Decimal

If you want to learn how we got that answer, here's the 2/3 to decimal formula:

2 ÷ 3 = 0.6666…

So, to convert 2/3 inch to a decimal, divide the numerator (2) by the denominator (3).

Our calculator uses this formula to convert to decimal form.

2/3 is a Repeating Decimal

This formula results in a repeating decimal, which can be more cleanly expressed using a line (called a vinculum) over the repeating part.

Thus, 2/3 expressed as a repeating decimal is 0.66 with a vinculum over the repeating portion of the number.

Fraction to Decimal Calculator


Decimal Result:


Steps to Solve

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We cover this in much more detail on our fraction to decimal calculator, including four different methods to convert fractions to decimals.

More Fraction to Decimal Conversions

See the steps to convert these common fractions to decimal form.