Kilograms per Square Meter Conversion Calculator

Enter a value in kilograms per square meter below to convert to another unit of pressure.

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What Are Kilograms per Square Meter?

Kilograms per square meter are a measurement of pressure.

The kilogram per square meter is a non-SI metric unit for pressure. A kilogram per square meter is sometimes also referred to as a kilogram per square metre or kilogram-force per meter square. Kilograms per square meter can be abbreviated as kgf/m²; for example, 1 kilogram per square meter can be written as 1 kgf/m².

In the expressions of units, the slash, or solidus (/), is used to express a change in one or more units relative to a change in one or more other units.[1] For example, kgf/m² is expressing a change in weight relative to a change in area.

The unit is deprecated and not permitted for use with SI units.

Kilograms per square meter can be expressed using the formula:
1 kgf/m2 = 1 kgf / m2

Pressure in kilograms per square meter are equal to the kilogram-force divided by the area in square meters.

How Much is a Kilogram per Square Meter?

One kilogram per square meter is the pressure of equal to one kilogram-force per square meter.

How to Convert Kilograms per Square Meter

To convert kilograms per square meter to another unit of pressure, you need to multiply the value by a conversion factor. A conversion factor is a numerical value used to change the units of a measurement without changing the value.[2]

You can find the conversion factors for kilograms per square meter in the conversion table below.

Then, multiply the pressure measurement by the conversion factor to find the equivalent value in the desired unit of measurement.

kilograms per square meter × conversion factor = result

You can also use a calculator, such as one of the converters below, for the conversion.

Kilograms per Square Meter Conversion Table

Common kilograms per square meter values and equivalent imperial and metric pressure measurements
kilograms per square meter pascals hectopascals atmospheres bars millibars kilograms per square centimeter pounds per square inch pounds per square foot torr
1 kgf/m² 9.80665 Pa 0.098067 hPa 0.000096784 atm 0.000098067 bar 0.098067 mbar 0.0001 kgf/cm² 0.001422 psi 0.204816 psf 0.073556 Torr
2 kgf/m² 19.6133 Pa 0.196133 hPa 0.000194 atm 0.000196 bar 0.196133 mbar 0.0002 kgf/cm² 0.002845 psi 0.409633 psf 0.147112 Torr
3 kgf/m² 29.41995 Pa 0.2942 hPa 0.00029 atm 0.000294 bar 0.2942 mbar 0.0003 kgf/cm² 0.004267 psi 0.614449 psf 0.220668 Torr
4 kgf/m² 39.2266 Pa 0.392266 hPa 0.000387 atm 0.000392 bar 0.392266 mbar 0.0004 kgf/cm² 0.005689 psi 0.819265 psf 0.294224 Torr
5 kgf/m² 49.03325 Pa 0.490333 hPa 0.000484 atm 0.00049 bar 0.490333 mbar 0.0005 kgf/cm² 0.007112 psi 1.024082 psf 0.36778 Torr
6 kgf/m² 58.8399 Pa 0.588399 hPa 0.000581 atm 0.000588 bar 0.588399 mbar 0.0006 kgf/cm² 0.008534 psi 1.228898 psf 0.441336 Torr
7 kgf/m² 68.64655 Pa 0.686466 hPa 0.000677 atm 0.000686 bar 0.686466 mbar 0.0007 kgf/cm² 0.009956 psi 1.433715 psf 0.514891 Torr
8 kgf/m² 78.4532 Pa 0.784532 hPa 0.000774 atm 0.000785 bar 0.784532 mbar 0.0008 kgf/cm² 0.011379 psi 1.638531 psf 0.588447 Torr
9 kgf/m² 88.25985 Pa 0.882599 hPa 0.000871 atm 0.000883 bar 0.882599 mbar 0.0009 kgf/cm² 0.012801 psi 1.843347 psf 0.662003 Torr
10 kgf/m² 98.0665 Pa 0.980665 hPa 0.000968 atm 0.000981 bar 0.980665 mbar 0.001 kgf/cm² 0.014223 psi 2.048164 psf 0.735559 Torr
11 kgf/m² 107.87315 Pa 1.078732 hPa 0.001065 atm 0.001079 bar 1.078732 mbar 0.0011 kgf/cm² 0.015646 psi 2.25298 psf 0.809115 Torr
12 kgf/m² 117.6798 Pa 1.176798 hPa 0.001161 atm 0.001177 bar 1.176798 mbar 0.0012 kgf/cm² 0.017068 psi 2.457796 psf 0.882671 Torr
13 kgf/m² 127.48645 Pa 1.274865 hPa 0.001258 atm 0.001275 bar 1.274865 mbar 0.0013 kgf/cm² 0.01849 psi 2.662613 psf 0.956227 Torr
14 kgf/m² 137.2931 Pa 1.372931 hPa 0.001355 atm 0.001373 bar 1.372931 mbar 0.0014 kgf/cm² 0.019913 psi 2.867429 psf 1.029783 Torr
15 kgf/m² 147.09975 Pa 1.470998 hPa 0.001452 atm 0.001471 bar 1.470998 mbar 0.0015 kgf/cm² 0.021335 psi 3.072245 psf 1.103339 Torr
16 kgf/m² 156.9064 Pa 1.569064 hPa 0.001549 atm 0.001569 bar 1.569064 mbar 0.0016 kgf/cm² 0.022757 psi 3.277062 psf 1.176895 Torr
17 kgf/m² 166.71305 Pa 1.667131 hPa 0.001645 atm 0.001667 bar 1.667131 mbar 0.0017 kgf/cm² 0.02418 psi 3.481878 psf 1.250451 Torr
18 kgf/m² 176.5197 Pa 1.765197 hPa 0.001742 atm 0.001765 bar 1.765197 mbar 0.0018 kgf/cm² 0.025602 psi 3.686694 psf 1.324007 Torr
19 kgf/m² 186.32635 Pa 1.863264 hPa 0.001839 atm 0.001863 bar 1.863264 mbar 0.0019 kgf/cm² 0.027024 psi 3.891511 psf 1.397563 Torr
20 kgf/m² 196.133 Pa 1.96133 hPa 0.001936 atm 0.001961 bar 1.96133 mbar 0.002 kgf/cm² 0.028447 psi 4.096327 psf 1.471118 Torr

Kilograms per Square Meter Conversion Calculators

You can also convert pressure using one of our kilograms per square meter converters below.


  1. National Institute of Standards and Technology, NIST Guide to the SI, Chapter 6: Rules and Style Conventions for Printing and Using Units,
  2. National Institute of Standards & Technology, Unit Conversion,

Other Pressure Units