Millicoulomb Conversion Calculator

Enter a value in millicoulombs below to convert to another unit of electric charge.

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What is a Millicoulomb?

A millicoulomb is a unit used to measure electric charge.

The millicoulomb is a multiple of the coulomb, which is the SI derived unit for electric charge. In the metric system, "milli" is the prefix for thousandths, or 10-3. Millicoulombs can be abbreviated as mC; for example, 1 millicoulomb can be written as 1 mC.

How Much is a Millicoulomb?

The millicoulomb is 1/1,000 of a coulomb, which is the electric charge equal to one ampere of current over one second.

How to Convert Millicoulombs

To convert millicoulombs to another unit of electric charge, you need to multiply the value by a conversion factor. A conversion factor is a numerical value used to change the units of a measurement without changing the value.[1]

You can find the conversion factors for millicoulombs in the conversion table below.

Then, multiply the electric charge measurement by the conversion factor to find the equivalent value in the desired unit of measurement.

millicoulombs × conversion factor = result

You can also use a calculator, such as one of the converters below, for the conversion.

Millicoulomb Conversion Table

Common millicoulomb values and equivalent imperial and metric electric charge measurements
millicoulombs coulombs microcoulombs nanocoulombs picocoulombs statcoulombs abcoulombs electron charge ampere-hours milliampere-hours
1 mC 0.001 C 1,000 μC 1,000,000 nC 1,000,000,000 pC 2,997,920 stC 0.0001 abC 6,241,500,000,000,000 e 0.00000027778 Ah 0.000278 mAh
2 mC 0.002 C 2,000 μC 2,000,000 nC 2,000,000,000 pC 5,995,840 stC 0.0002 abC 12,483,000,000,000,000 e 0.00000055556 Ah 0.000556 mAh
3 mC 0.003 C 3,000 μC 3,000,000 nC 3,000,000,000 pC 8,993,760 stC 0.0003 abC 18,725,000,000,000,000 e 0.00000083333 Ah 0.000833 mAh
4 mC 0.004 C 4,000 μC 4,000,000 nC 4,000,000,000 pC 11,991,680 stC 0.0004 abC 24,966,000,000,000,000 e 0.0000011111 Ah 0.001111 mAh
5 mC 0.005 C 5,000 μC 5,000,000 nC 5,000,000,000 pC 14,989,600 stC 0.0005 abC 31,208,000,000,000,000 e 0.0000013889 Ah 0.001389 mAh
6 mC 0.006 C 6,000 μC 6,000,000 nC 6,000,000,000 pC 17,987,520 stC 0.0006 abC 37,449,000,000,000,000 e 0.0000016667 Ah 0.001667 mAh
7 mC 0.007 C 7,000 μC 7,000,000 nC 7,000,000,000 pC 20,985,440 stC 0.0007 abC 43,691,000,000,000,000 e 0.0000019444 Ah 0.001944 mAh
8 mC 0.008 C 8,000 μC 8,000,000 nC 8,000,000,000 pC 23,983,360 stC 0.0008 abC 49,932,000,000,000,000 e 0.0000022222 Ah 0.002222 mAh
9 mC 0.009 C 9,000 μC 9,000,000 nC 9,000,000,000 pC 26,981,280 stC 0.0009 abC 56,174,000,000,000,000 e 0.0000025 Ah 0.0025 mAh
10 mC 0.01 C 10,000 μC 10,000,000 nC 10,000,000,000 pC 29,979,200 stC 0.001 abC 62,415,000,000,000,000 e 0.0000027778 Ah 0.002778 mAh
11 mC 0.011 C 11,000 μC 11,000,000 nC 11,000,000,000 pC 32,977,120 stC 0.0011 abC 68,657,000,000,000,000 e 0.0000030556 Ah 0.003056 mAh
12 mC 0.012 C 12,000 μC 12,000,000 nC 12,000,000,000 pC 35,975,040 stC 0.0012 abC 74,898,000,000,000,000 e 0.0000033333 Ah 0.003333 mAh
13 mC 0.013 C 13,000 μC 13,000,000 nC 13,000,000,000 pC 38,972,960 stC 0.0013 abC 81,140,000,000,000,000 e 0.0000036111 Ah 0.003611 mAh
14 mC 0.014 C 14,000 μC 14,000,000 nC 14,000,000,000 pC 41,970,880 stC 0.0014 abC 87,381,000,000,000,000 e 0.0000038889 Ah 0.003889 mAh
15 mC 0.015 C 15,000 μC 15,000,000 nC 15,000,000,000 pC 44,968,800 stC 0.0015 abC 93,623,000,000,000,000 e 0.0000041667 Ah 0.004167 mAh
16 mC 0.016 C 16,000 μC 16,000,000 nC 16,000,000,000 pC 47,966,720 stC 0.0016 abC 99,864,000,000,000,000 e 0.0000044444 Ah 0.004444 mAh
17 mC 0.017 C 17,000 μC 17,000,000 nC 17,000,000,000 pC 50,964,640 stC 0.0017 abC 106,110,000,000,000,000 e 0.0000047222 Ah 0.004722 mAh
18 mC 0.018 C 18,000 μC 18,000,000 nC 18,000,000,000 pC 53,962,560 stC 0.0018 abC 112,350,000,000,000,000 e 0.000005 Ah 0.005 mAh
19 mC 0.019 C 19,000 μC 19,000,000 nC 19,000,000,000 pC 56,960,480 stC 0.0019 abC 118,590,000,000,000,000 e 0.0000052778 Ah 0.005278 mAh
20 mC 0.02 C 20,000 μC 20,000,000 nC 20,000,000,000 pC 59,958,400 stC 0.002 abC 124,830,000,000,000,000 e 0.0000055556 Ah 0.005556 mAh

Millicoulomb Conversion Calculators

You can also convert electric charge using one of our millicoulomb converters below.

SI Units
Centimetre–Gram–Second Units
Other Units

You might also find our other electrical calculators useful.


  1. National Institute of Standards & Technology, Unit Conversion,

Other Electric Charge Units

SI Units
Centimetre–Gram–Second Units
Other Units