Pinches of Salt Conversion Calculator

Enter a value in pinches below to convert to another unit of salt volume.

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What is a Pinch?

A pinch is a unit used to measure salt volume.

How Much is a Pinch of Salt?

A pinch is a small unit used in cooking, typically used to measure salt and other spices when seasoning. One pinch is equal to the amount of seasoning that can be taken between your thumb and finger, or 1/2 of a dash. The pinch is a rough measurement, but is commonly considered to be equal to 1/16 of a teaspoon.

How to Convert Pinches of Salt

To convert pinches to another unit of salt volume, you need to multiply the value by a conversion factor. A conversion factor is a numerical value used to change the units of a measurement without changing the value.[1]

You can find the conversion factors for pinches in the conversion table below.

Then, multiply the salt volume measurement by the conversion factor to find the equivalent value in the desired unit of measurement.

pinches × conversion factor = result

You can also use a calculator, such as one of the converters below, for the conversion.

Pinch Conversion Table

Common pinch values and equivalent imperial and metric salt volume measurements
pinches smidgens dashes teaspoons tablespoons cups grams
1 2 0.5 0.0625 tsp 0.020833 tbsp 0.001302 c 0.355625 g
2 4 1 0.125 tsp 0.041667 tbsp 0.002604 c 0.71125 g
3 6 1.5 0.1875 tsp 0.0625 tbsp 0.003906 c 1.066875 g
4 8 2 0.25 tsp 0.083333 tbsp 0.005208 c 1.4225 g
5 10 2.5 0.3125 tsp 0.104167 tbsp 0.00651 c 1.778125 g
6 12 3 0.375 tsp 0.125 tbsp 0.007813 c 2.13375 g
7 14 3.5 0.4375 tsp 0.145833 tbsp 0.009115 c 2.489375 g
8 16 4 0.5 tsp 0.166667 tbsp 0.010417 c 2.845 g
9 18 4.5 0.5625 tsp 0.1875 tbsp 0.011719 c 3.200625 g
10 20 5 0.625 tsp 0.208333 tbsp 0.013021 c 3.55625 g
11 22 5.5 0.6875 tsp 0.229167 tbsp 0.014323 c 3.911875 g
12 24 6 0.75 tsp 0.25 tbsp 0.015625 c 4.2675 g
13 26 6.5 0.8125 tsp 0.270833 tbsp 0.016927 c 4.623125 g
14 28 7 0.875 tsp 0.291667 tbsp 0.018229 c 4.97875 g
15 30 7.5 0.9375 tsp 0.3125 tbsp 0.019531 c 5.334375 g
16 32 8 1 tsp 0.333333 tbsp 0.020833 c 5.69 g
17 34 8.5 1.0625 tsp 0.354167 tbsp 0.022135 c 6.045625 g
18 36 9 1.125 tsp 0.375 tbsp 0.023438 c 6.40125 g
19 38 9.5 1.1875 tsp 0.395833 tbsp 0.02474 c 6.756875 g
20 40 10 1.25 tsp 0.416667 tbsp 0.026042 c 7.1125 g

Pinch Conversion Calculators

You can also convert salt volume using one of our pinch converters below.


  1. National Institute of Standards & Technology, Unit Conversion,

Other Salt Volume Units