Quarts of Beer Conversion Calculator

Enter a value in quarts below to convert to another unit of beer volume.

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What is a Quart?

A quart is a unit used to measure volume.

The quart is a US customary unit of volume. A quart is sometimes also referred to as a howler or half-growler. Quarts can be abbreviated as qt; for example, 1 quart can be written as 1 qt.

How Much is a Quart of Beer?

The quart is a US standard size bottle containing a 32 fl. oz. of beer.

How to Convert Quarts

To convert quarts to another unit of beer volume, you need to multiply the value by a conversion factor. A conversion factor is a numerical value used to change the units of a measurement without changing the value.[1]

You can find the conversion factors for quarts in the conversion table below.

Then, multiply the beer volume measurement by the conversion factor to find the equivalent value in the desired unit of measurement.

quarts × conversion factor = result

You can also use a calculator, such as one of the converters below, for the conversion.

Quart Conversion Table

Common quart values and equivalent imperial and metric beer volume measurements
quarts beer barrels beers bombers cases forties gallons growlers half barrel kegs quarter barrel kegs liters fluid ounces pints six packs
1 qt 0.008065 bbl 2.666667 1.454545 0.111111 0.8 0.25 gal 0.5 0.016129 0.032258 0.946354 l 32 fl oz 2 pt 0.444444
2 qt 0.016129 bbl 5.333333 2.909091 0.222222 1.6 0.5 gal 1 0.032258 0.064516 1.892707 l 64 fl oz 4 pt 0.888889
3 qt 0.024194 bbl 8 4.363636 0.333333 2.4 0.75 gal 1.5 0.048387 0.096774 2.839061 l 96 fl oz 6 pt 1.333333
4 qt 0.032258 bbl 10.666667 5.818182 0.444444 3.2 1 gal 2 0.064516 0.129032 3.785414 l 128 fl oz 8 pt 1.777778
5 qt 0.040323 bbl 13.333333 7.272727 0.555556 4 1.25 gal 2.5 0.080645 0.16129 4.731768 l 160 fl oz 10 pt 2.222222
6 qt 0.048387 bbl 16 8.727273 0.666667 4.8 1.5 gal 3 0.096774 0.193548 5.678121 l 192 fl oz 12 pt 2.666667
7 qt 0.056452 bbl 18.666667 10.181818 0.777778 5.6 1.75 gal 3.5 0.112903 0.225806 6.624475 l 224 fl oz 14 pt 3.111111
8 qt 0.064516 bbl 21.333333 11.636364 0.888889 6.4 2 gal 4 0.129032 0.258065 7.570829 l 256 fl oz 16 pt 3.555556
9 qt 0.072581 bbl 24 13.090909 1 7.2 2.25 gal 4.5 0.145161 0.290323 8.517182 l 288 fl oz 18 pt 4
10 qt 0.080645 bbl 26.666667 14.545455 1.111111 8 2.5 gal 5 0.16129 0.322581 9.463536 l 320 fl oz 20 pt 4.444444
11 qt 0.08871 bbl 29.333333 16 1.222222 8.8 2.75 gal 5.5 0.177419 0.354839 10.409889 l 352 fl oz 22 pt 4.888889
12 qt 0.096774 bbl 32 17.454545 1.333333 9.6 3 gal 6 0.193548 0.387097 11.356243 l 384 fl oz 24 pt 5.333333
13 qt 0.104839 bbl 34.666667 18.909091 1.444444 10.4 3.25 gal 6.5 0.209677 0.419355 12.302597 l 416 fl oz 26 pt 5.777778
14 qt 0.112903 bbl 37.333333 20.363636 1.555556 11.2 3.5 gal 7 0.225806 0.451613 13.24895 l 448 fl oz 28 pt 6.222222
15 qt 0.120968 bbl 40 21.818182 1.666667 12 3.75 gal 7.5 0.241935 0.483871 14.195304 l 480 fl oz 30 pt 6.666667
16 qt 0.129032 bbl 42.666667 23.272727 1.777778 12.8 4 gal 8 0.258065 0.516129 15.141657 l 512 fl oz 32 pt 7.111111
17 qt 0.137097 bbl 45.333333 24.727273 1.888889 13.6 4.25 gal 8.5 0.274194 0.548387 16.088011 l 544 fl oz 34 pt 7.555556
18 qt 0.145161 bbl 48 26.181818 2 14.4 4.5 gal 9 0.290323 0.580645 17.034364 l 576 fl oz 36 pt 8
19 qt 0.153226 bbl 50.666667 27.636364 2.111111 15.2 4.75 gal 9.5 0.306452 0.612903 17.980718 l 608 fl oz 38 pt 8.444444
20 qt 0.16129 bbl 53.333333 29.090909 2.222222 16 5 gal 10 0.322581 0.645161 18.927072 l 640 fl oz 40 pt 8.888889

Quart Conversion Calculators

You can also convert beer volume using one of our quart converters below.


  1. National Institute of Standards & Technology, Unit Conversion, https://www.nist.gov/pml/owm/metric-si/unit-conversion

Other Beer Volume Units