Hexadecimal Calculator & Converter

Add, subtract, multiply, divide, or convert hexadecimal numbers using the hex calculator below.

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How to Add Hexadecimal Numbers

Unlike the decimal system, the hexadecimal, or just hex, system is a base 16 number system and uses the digits 0 through 9 and a through f.

Adding hex numbers is very similar to adding decimal numbers.

graphic showing how to add hexadecimal numbers

To add two hex numbers, write the second number below the first number, aligning the right digits, like this:

7 f b 3
+ 1 b 6 2 1

Starting at the right-most number, add the top and bottom values together. In this case, 3 + 1 is equal to 4.

7 f b 3
+ 1 b 6 2 1

Then, continue with the second number from the right; b + 2 is equal to d. The digit b in hex is equal to the decimal value of 11 and d is equal to 13. You can also increment the letter by 2 letters.

7 f b 3
+ 1 b 6 2 1
d 4

Moving on to the third number from the right; f + 6 is equal to 15. In our problem, carry the leading 1 to the top of the problem over the preceding column of digits and move the trailing 5 to the bottom.

7 f b 3
+ 1 b 6 2 1
5 d 4

In the next step, add the 1 at the top of the next column with the other values; 1 + 7 + b is equal to 13 in hex. You’ll need to carry to 1 to the top again and the 3 to the bottom like this:

1 1
7 f b 3
+ 1 b 6 2 1
3 5 d 4

The final step is to add the 1 that you just placed at the top with the 1 on the bottom number, which is equal to 2. Thus the answer is 235d4.

1 1
7 f b 3
+ 1 b 6 2 1
2 3 5 d 4

How to Convert a Hex Number

To convert a hexadecimal number to decimal, use the following formula:

decimal number10 = (d0 × 160) + (d1 × 161) + … + (dn – 1 × 16n – 1)

In the formula above, d0 is the hex digit furthest to the right, d1 is the digit one position from the right, and dn – 1 is the digit furthest to the left.