Midrange Calculator

Find the midrange for a set of data by entering the numbers in the calculator below. Keep reading below to learn what the midrange is and how to calculate it.

Separate numbers using a comma (,)



Steps to Solve

Step One: Find the Min and Max Values

Start by finding the minimum and maximum values in the dataset.

min = ?

max = ?

Step Two: Find the Midrange

Then, apply the midrange formula to solve.

midrange = (min + max) / 2

Learn how we calculated this below

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How to Find the Midrange

In statistics, the midrange, sometimes called the mid-extreme mid-range, is the arithmetic mean of the smallest and largest numbers in a data set. While the range is a measure of the dispersion of values in a data set, the midrange is a measure of center, or central tendency, of the data.

The midrange is not the most accurate indicator of the center of a data set since outliers in the data can significantly change its value. The more commonly used measures of center are the mean, median, and mode.

Midrange Formula

Since the midrange is the mean of the smallest and largest numbers, the midrange formula is:

midrange = min + max / 2

Thus, the midrange is equal to the highest value (max) in the data plus the lowest value (min), divided by 2.

Graphic showing the formula to find the midrange is the smallest value plus the largest value, divided by 2

For example: let’s find the midrange for the numbers [13,15,34,41]

lowest number = 13
highest number = 41
midrange = 13 + 41 / 2
midrange = 54 / 2
midrange = 27

The midrange of this data set is 27.

Check out our statistics calculator for more summary statistics measurements.