Time to Decimal Calculator

Convert a time or duration to the total hours, minutes, or seconds in decimal form. The calculator will add the input hours, minutes and seconds and output the totals as a decimal.

How to Convert a Time or Duration to Decimal Hours, Minutes and Seconds

When given a time in hour, minute, and second format, sometimes you need to know the total time in hours, minutes, or seconds. In this situation, you’ll need to convert.

There are a few ways to convert a time to decimal form like this. The calculator above is the easiest way, but there are some simple formulas to convert the time to different units.

The formulas below show how to convert a time duration to decimal form.

time in hours = H + (M ÷ 60) + (S ÷ 3,600)
time in minutes = (H × 60) + M + (S ÷ 60)
time in seconds = (H × 3,600) + (M × 60) + S

Where H is the time in hours, M is the time in minutes, and S is the time in seconds.

There are 60 minutes in 1 hour and 60 seconds in 1 minute. Knowing this, we can then find that there are 3,600 seconds in 1 hour (60 min/hr × 60 s/min = 3,600 s/hr).

For example, let’s convert the time of 6:15:30 to just hours.

time in hours = 6 + (15 ÷ 60) + (30 ÷ 3,600)
time in hours = 6 + 0.25 + 0.0083
time in hours = 6.2583

As another example, let’s convert the time of 6:15:30 to minutes.

time in minutes = (6 × 60) + 15 + (30 ÷ 60)
time in minutes = 360 + 15 + 0.5
time in minutes = 375.5

As a final example, let’s convert the time of 6:15:30 to seconds.

time in seconds = (6 × 3,600) + (15 × 60) + 30
time in seconds = 21,600 + 900 + 30
time in seconds = 22,530

Common Time to Hours, Minutes, and Seconds Decimal Values

Time and duration values converted to the total time expressed as a decimal in hours, minutes, and seconds
Time Hours Minutes Seconds
00:00:00 0 hrs 0 min 0 sec
00:10:00 0.1667 hrs 10 min 600 sec
00:20:00 0.3333 hrs 20 min 1,200 sec
00:30:00 0.5 hrs 30 min 1,800 sec
00:40:00 0.6667 hrs 40 min 2,400 sec
00:50:00 0.8333 hrs 50 min 3,000 sec
01:00:00 1 hr 60 min 3,600 sec
01:10:00 1.167 hrs 70 min 4,200 sec
01:20:00 1.333 hrs 80 min 4,800 sec
01:30:00 1.5 hrs 90 min 5,400 sec
01:40:00 1.667 hrs 100 min 6,000 sec
01:50:00 1.833 hrs 110 min 6,600 sec
02:00:00 2 hrs 120 min 7,200 sec
02:10:00 2.167 hrs 130 min 7,800 sec
02:20:00 2.333 hrs 140 min 8,400 sec
02:30:00 2.5 hrs 150 min 9,000 sec
02:40:00 2.667 hrs 160 min 9,600 sec
02:50:00 2.833 hrs 170 min 10,200 sec
03:00:00 3 hrs 180 min 10,800 sec
03:10:00 3.167 hrs 190 min 11,400 sec
03:20:00 3.333 hrs 200 min 12,000 sec
03:30:00 3.5 hrs 210 min 12,600 sec
03:40:00 3.667 hrs 220 min 13,200 sec
03:50:00 3.833 hrs 230 min 13,800 sec
04:00:00 4 hrs 240 min 14,400 sec
04:10:00 4.167 hrs 250 min 15,000 sec
04:20:00 4.333 hrs 260 min 15,600 sec
04:30:00 4.5 hrs 270 min 16,200 sec
04:40:00 4.667 hrs 280 min 16,800 sec
04:50:00 4.833 hrs 290 min 17,400 sec
05:00:00 5 hrs 300 min 18,000 sec
05:10:00 5.167 hrs 310 min 18,600 sec
05:20:00 5.333 hrs 320 min 19,200 sec
05:30:00 5.5 hrs 330 min 19,800 sec
05:40:00 5.667 hrs 340 min 20,400 sec
05:50:00 5.833 hrs 350 min 21,000 sec
06:00:00 6 hrs 360 min 21,600 sec
06:10:00 6.167 hrs 370 min 22,200 sec
06:20:00 6.333 hrs 380 min 22,800 sec
06:30:00 6.5 hrs 390 min 23,400 sec
06:40:00 6.667 hrs 400 min 24,000 sec
06:50:00 6.833 hrs 410 min 24,600 sec
07:00:00 7 hrs 420 min 25,200 sec
07:10:00 7.167 hrs 430 min 25,800 sec
07:20:00 7.333 hrs 440 min 26,400 sec
07:30:00 7.5 hrs 450 min 27,000 sec
07:40:00 7.667 hrs 460 min 27,600 sec
07:50:00 7.833 hrs 470 min 28,200 sec
08:00:00 8 hrs 480 min 28,800 sec
08:10:00 8.167 hrs 490 min 29,400 sec
08:20:00 8.333 hrs 500 min 30,000 sec
08:30:00 8.5 hrs 510 min 30,600 sec
08:40:00 8.667 hrs 520 min 31,200 sec
08:50:00 8.833 hrs 530 min 31,800 sec
09:00:00 9 hrs 540 min 32,400 sec
09:10:00 9.167 hrs 550 min 33,000 sec
09:20:00 9.333 hrs 560 min 33,600 sec
09:30:00 9.5 hrs 570 min 34,200 sec
09:40:00 9.667 hrs 580 min 34,800 sec
09:50:00 9.833 hrs 590 min 35,400 sec
10:00:00 10 hrs 600 min 36,000 sec
10:10:00 10.167 hrs 610 min 36,600 sec
10:20:00 10.333 hrs 620 min 37,200 sec
10:30:00 10.5 hrs 630 min 37,800 sec
10:40:00 10.667 hrs 640 min 38,400 sec
10:50:00 10.833 hrs 650 min 39,000 sec
11:00:00 11 hrs 660 min 39,600 sec
11:10:00 11.167 hrs 670 min 40,200 sec
11:20:00 11.333 hrs 680 min 40,800 sec
11:30:00 11.5 hrs 690 min 41,400 sec
11:40:00 11.667 hrs 700 min 42,000 sec
11:50:00 11.833 hrs 710 min 42,600 sec
12:00:00 12 hrs 720 min 43,200 sec
12:10:00 12.167 hrs 730 min 43,800 sec
12:20:00 12.333 hrs 740 min 44,400 sec
12:30:00 12.5 hrs 750 min 45,000 sec
12:40:00 12.667 hrs 760 min 45,600 sec
12:50:00 12.833 hrs 770 min 46,200 sec

Frequently Asked Questions

What is 30 minutes as a decimal?

30 minutes converted to decimal form is either 0.5 hours or 1,800 seconds.

What is a time, in decimal form, converted to hours?

A time, in decimal form, converted to hours depends on the units of the time. For example, a decimal time, t, in minutes, will be t/60 hours. A decimal time, t, in seconds, however, will be t/3,600 hours.

What is 0.75 of an hour?

0.75, or 75%, of an hour is 45 minutes or 2,700 seconds.