Fahrenheit Conversion Calculator

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Our Fahrenheit to Celsius converter is the easiest way to convert temperature scales.

Fahrenheit Definition and Usage

The Fahrenheit scale is used to measure temperature.

The degree Fahrenheit is a US customary and imperial unit of temperature. Fahrenheit can be abbreviated as F; for example, 1 degree Fahrenheit can be written as 1 °F.

What is the Fahrenheit Scale?

The Fahrenheit scale is a temperature scale that defines the melting point of water as 32 degrees and the boiling point of water at 212 degrees.[1] There are 180 intervals between 32 °F and 212 °F, each corresponding to one degree.

Important Temperatures In Degrees Fahrenheit

TemperatureDegrees Fahrenheit
Absolute Zero-459.67 °F
Freezing Point of Water32 °F
Triple Point of Water32.018 °F
Boiling Point of Water212 °F

Background and Origin

The Fahrenheit scale is named for Gabriel Daniel Fahrenheit, the physicist who proposed it in the early 18th century. The early definition of the scale set 0 °F as the temperature at which a solution of equal parts ice, water, and ammonium chloride freezes. The early definition also set the temperature of 96 °F as equal to the average human body temperature.

The scale was later redefined to the current definition, setting exactly 32 °F as the temperature that water freezes and exactly 212 °F as the temperature that water boils.


The Fahrenheit temperature scale is primarily used in the United States, but other countries such as the Bahamas, Belize, the Cayman Islands, and Palau also use it. The vast majority of the world uses either the Celsius or Kelvin scale to measure temperature.

Fahrenheit Conversion Table

Common Fahrenheit temps and equivalent temperatures
Fahrenheit Celsius kelvins Rankine Delisle Newton
-10 °F -23.333333 °C 249.816667 K 449.67 °R 185 °De -7.7 °N
-5 °F -20.555556 °C 252.594444 K 454.67 °R 180.833333 °De -6.783333 °N
0 °F -17.777778 °C 255.372222 K 459.67 °R 176.666667 °De -5.866667 °N
5 °F -15 °C 258.15 K 464.67 °R 172.5 °De -4.95 °N
10 °F -12.222222 °C 260.927778 K 469.67 °R 168.333333 °De -4.033333 °N
15 °F -9.444444 °C 263.705556 K 474.67 °R 164.166667 °De -3.116667 °N
20 °F -6.666667 °C 266.483333 K 479.67 °R 160 °De -2.2 °N
25 °F -3.888889 °C 269.261111 K 484.67 °R 155.833333 °De -1.283333 °N
30 °F -1.111111 °C 272.038889 K 489.67 °R 151.666667 °De -0.366667 °N
32 °F 0 °C 273.15 K 491.67 °R 150 °De 0 °N
35 °F 1.666667 °C 274.816667 K 494.67 °R 147.5 °De 0.55 °N
40 °F 4.444444 °C 277.594444 K 499.67 °R 143.333333 °De 1.466667 °N
50 °F 10 °C 283.15 K 509.67 °R 135 °De 3.3 °N
100 °F 37.777778 °C 310.927778 K 559.67 °R 93.333333 °De 12.466667 °N
150 °F 65.555556 °C 338.705556 K 609.67 °R 51.666667 °De 21.633333 °N
200 °F 93.333333 °C 366.483333 K 659.67 °R 10 °De 30.8 °N
250 °F 121.111111 °C 394.261111 K 709.67 °R -31.666667 °De 39.966667 °N

Fahrenheit Conversion Calculators

You can also convert temperature using one of our Fahrenheit converters below.


  1. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Weather Service , Fahrenheit, https://w1.weather.gov/glossary/index.php?word=fahrenheit

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