Rankine Conversion Calculator

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Rankine Definition and Usage

The Rankine scale is used to measure temperature.

Rankine can be abbreviated as R, and are also sometimes abbreviated as Ra. For example, 1 degree Rankine can be written as 1 °R or 1 Ra.

What is the Rankine Scale?

The Rankine scale is an absolute temperature scale that uses absolute zero as the starting point, much like the Kelvin scale. The key difference between the Rankine scale and the Kelvin scale is that an increment of one degree rankine is equal to an increment of one degree Fahrenheit, not Celsius as in the Kelvin scale. The base of the Rankine scale starts at absolute zero, thus 0 degrees rankine are equal to −459.67 degrees Fahrenheit.

Important Temperatures In Degrees Rankine

TemperatureDegrees Rankine
Absolute Zero0 °R
Freezing Point of Water491.67 °R
Triple Point of Water491.688 °R
Boiling Point of Water671.67 °R

Background and Origin

The Rankine scale is named for Scottish engineer William John Macquorn Rankine, who initially proposed the unit in 1859. The scale has more limited adoption currently than the Kelvin scale, but is commonly used in the United States aerospace industry.

Rankine Conversion Table

Common Rankine temps and equivalent temperatures
Rankine Fahrenheit Celsius kelvins Delisle Newton
1 °R -458.67 °F -272.594444 °C 0.555556 K 558.891667 °De -89.956167 °N
2 °R -457.67 °F -272.038889 °C 1.111111 K 558.058333 °De -89.772833 °N
3 °R -456.67 °F -271.483333 °C 1.666667 K 557.225 °De -89.5895 °N
4 °R -455.67 °F -270.927778 °C 2.222222 K 556.391667 °De -89.406167 °N
5 °R -454.67 °F -270.372222 °C 2.777778 K 555.558333 °De -89.222833 °N
6 °R -453.67 °F -269.816667 °C 3.333333 K 554.725 °De -89.0395 °N
7 °R -452.67 °F -269.261111 °C 3.888889 K 553.891667 °De -88.856167 °N
8 °R -451.67 °F -268.705556 °C 4.444444 K 553.058333 °De -88.672833 °N
9 °R -450.67 °F -268.15 °C 5 K 552.225 °De -88.4895 °N
10 °R -449.67 °F -267.594444 °C 5.555556 K 551.391667 °De -88.306167 °N
11 °R -448.67 °F -267.038889 °C 6.111111 K 550.558333 °De -88.122833 °N
12 °R -447.67 °F -266.483333 °C 6.666667 K 549.725 °De -87.9395 °N
13 °R -446.67 °F -265.927778 °C 7.222222 K 548.891667 °De -87.756167 °N
14 °R -445.67 °F -265.372222 °C 7.777778 K 548.058333 °De -87.572833 °N
15 °R -444.67 °F -264.816667 °C 8.333333 K 547.225 °De -87.3895 °N
16 °R -443.67 °F -264.261111 °C 8.888889 K 546.391667 °De -87.206167 °N
17 °R -442.67 °F -263.705556 °C 9.444444 K 545.558333 °De -87.022833 °N
18 °R -441.67 °F -263.15 °C 10 K 544.725 °De -86.8395 °N
19 °R -440.67 °F -262.594444 °C 10.555556 K 543.891667 °De -86.656167 °N
20 °R -439.67 °F -262.038889 °C 11.111111 K 543.058333 °De -86.472833 °N

Rankine Conversion Calculators

You can also convert temperature using one of our Rankine converters below.

Other Temperature Units