Rounding Calculator

Use our rounding calculator to round a number to any number of decimal places.

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How to Round Numbers

Rounding numbers is a way to represent numbers with many significant figures in a simpler form. By simplifying numbers, rounding makes them more manageable to work with and provides a clearer understanding of the scale of the value without sacrificing significant precision.

Rounding helps with approximating values, allowing for quick estimations and informed decision-making when precise accuracy is not required.

Rounding Precision

When rounding a number, you need to figure out what precision you want to round the number to. You can round to the nearest whole number, any number of decimal places, or even the nearest tens, hundreds, or thousands.

The table below shows various levels of precision for rounding.

Table showing various levels of rounding precision
Billions 1,000,000,000
Hundred Millions 100,000,000
Ten Millions 10,000,000
Millions 1,000,000
Hundred Thousands 100,000
Ten Thousands 10,000
Thousands 1,000
Hundreds 100
Tens 10
Ones 1
Tenths 0.1
Hundredths 0.01
Thousandths 0.001
Ten Thousandths 0.0001
Hundred Thousandths 0.00001
Millionths 0.000001
Ten Millionths 0.0000001
Hundred Millionths 0.00000001
Billionths 0.000000001

Rounding Rules

When rounding numbers, it’s important to keep in mind a set of rules that you need to follow.

  • Identify the desired decimal place or whole number precision you want to round to.
  • Look at the digit immediately to the right of the desired decimal place or whole number.
  • If the digit immediately to the right of the desired decimal place or whole number is 5 or greater, add 1 to the number in the desired decimal place.
  • Set all of the numbers to the right of the desired decimal place or whole number equal to 0.

How to Round to the Nearest Whole Number

To round a number to the nearest whole number, you need to follow the rounding rules above. You’ll be rounding to the nearest number in the ones place.

To do this, look at the number immediately to the right of the number in the ones place, which should be the first decimal value. If that value is 5 or greater, then add 1 to the number in the ones place.

Then, set the value to all of the numbers after the decimal equal to 0.

For example, let’s round 4.5639 to the nearest whole number.

Since the first decimal is 5, we need to add 1 to the number in the ones place.

4 + 1 = 5

Then, set the values for the numbers after the decimal equal to 0. This becomes:


So, 4.5639 rounded to the nearest whole number is equal to 5.0000, or just 5.

How to Round to the Nearest Tenth

You can round a number to the nearest tenth by following the same rounding rules as before. The only difference is that we’ll be focusing on the number in the tenths place and immediately to the right of that number.

If the number in the hundredths place is 5 or greater, add 1 to the number in the tenths place. Then, set the values of the numbers to the right of the tenths place equal to 0.

For example, let’s round 4.5639 to the nearest tenth.

Since the number to the right of the tenths place is 6, we need to add 1 to the number in the tenths place.

5 + 1 = 6

Then, set the values for the numbers after the tenths place equal to 0. This becomes:


So, 4.5639 rounded to the nearest tenth is equal to 4.5000, or 4.5.

How to Round to the Nearest Hundredth

You can round a number to the nearest hundredth just as before, but focusing on the number in the hundredths place and the value immediately to the right.

If the number in the thousandths place is 5 or greater, add 1 to the number in the hundredths place. Then, set the values of the numbers to the right of the hundredths place equal to 0.

For example, let’s round 4.5639 to the nearest hundredth.

Since the number to the right of the hundredths place is 3, we do not need to add anything to the number in the hundredths place.

The final step is to set the values for the numbers after the hundredths place equal to 0. This becomes:


So, 4.5639 rounded to the nearest hundredth is equal to 4.5600, or 4.56.

This is the same process that our round to the nearest cent calculator uses to round price values.

How to Round to the Nearest Thousandth

You can round a number to the nearest thousandth using this same technique.

If the number to the right of the thousandths place is 5 or greater, add 1 to the number in the thousandths place. Then, set the values of the numbers to the right of the thousandths place equal to 0.

For example, let’s round 4.5639 to the nearest thousandth.

Since the number to the right of the thousandths place is 9, we need to add 1 to the number in the thousandths place.

3 + 1 = 4

Then, set the values for the numbers after the thousandths place equal to 0.


So, 4.5639 rounded to the nearest thousandth is equal to 4.5640, or 4.564.

How to Round to the Nearest Ten

You can round a number to the nearest ten by following the same rounding rules as before, but focusing on the number in the tens place.

If the number to the right of the tens place (ones place) is 5 or greater, add 1 to the number in the tens place. Then, set the values of the numbers to the right of the tens place equal to 0.

For example, let’s round 17 to the nearest ten.

Since the number to the right of the tens place is 7, add 1 to the number in the tens place, then set the values for the numbers after the tens place equal to 0.

The number in the tens place is 1 (1 + 1 = 2). So, 17 rounded to the nearest ten is 20.

How to Round to the Nearest Hundred

You can round a number to the nearest hundred by focusing on the number in the hundreds place and to its right.

If the number to the right of the hundreds place (tens place) is 5 or greater, add 1 to the number in the hundreds place. Then, set the values of the numbers to the right of it equal to 0.

For example, let’s round 1,380 to the nearest hundred.

Since the number to the right of the hundreds place is 8, add 1 to the number in the hundreds place, then, set the values for the numbers after the tens place equal to 0.

The number in the hundreds place is 3 (3 + 1 = 4). So, 1,380 rounded to the nearest hundred is 1,400.

How to Round to the Nearest Thousand

You can round to the nearest thousand by focusing on the number in the thousands place and to the right.

If the number to the right of the thousands place (hundreds place) is 5 or greater, add 1 to the number in the thousands place. Then, set the values of the numbers to the right equal to 0.

For example, let’s round 1,380 to the nearest thousand.

Since the number to the right of the thousands place is 3, you do not need to add anything to the number in the thousands place. Simply set the values to the right of the thousands place equal to 0.

So, 1,380 rounded to the nearest thousand is 1,000.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you round a negative number?

You round negative numbers the exact same way you round positive numbers. When rounding, ignore the negative sign and treat the number just as a positive number, but be sure to add the negative sign back to the rounded number.

How do you round to the nearest integer?

You can round to the nearest integer by rounding the number to the ones place. If the number in the first decimal position is 5 or greater, then add 1 to the number in the ones place.

Then, remove the decimal portion of the number to get the final result rounded to the nearest integer.

How do you know when to round up?

If the number in the position you are rounding to is followed by 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9, then you’ll round the number in the position you are rounding to up. Otherwise, you simply replace the numbers after the position you are rounding to with a 0.